Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Let's just go outside in nature. Let's just frolic with the leaves. Let's just walk the way the wind walks, talk the way the trees feel, say everything that's on our minds.

Let's just be the way our heart feels, as if for only one day. For one day, as if by surprise, all the things happened, like whispers of truth. Let's be the wild thing in our heart, let's be the lazy thing on a cold winter day. Let's be explosive too, like a volcano or a flock of sharks swimming without repose or doubt or concern, fierce in their pursuit, or an avalanche in the middle of a furious fleet of ice.

Let's be the birds today. And fly away. To all the places we wish to go. Let's be the insects in the trees, the sticky sap traps our little feet. Let's be a tiny world in a web of infinite space.

Today, as if only for today, let's walk away into the deep place of the woods. Let's meet some fox and stare at him for a long time. His big brown eyes, his red fur, his pause, intense and strong, he won't flinch. What about the presence of danger? How nature stands still and waits for the moment to pass, nothing will tempt surrender.

Survival of the fittest, sure, survival of our hearts maybe more close to the truth.

I think of waves of deer, cattle, birds, following the patterns of weather. They don't think, they don't worry, they live, they run, they go where they must.

Let's walk in nature today, as if only for today, and stay awhile. Long enough to be free. Long enough to let our hair fall with the rain, the night's secrets the owl reveals as he stands on the branch, high in some tree whose limbs live forever.

Let's sleep in the tree. Let's watch ghosts and halos of the moon and the stars and our hearts. Let's fall in webs of spiders, let's float in the lake, catch ourselves on the wet mud, listen to the sounds in the soft ground. Let's fall in the ground, let it all go and feel alive, as if for only today.

Let's go in nature. Let's feel real, as if only for today. And let's live to tell the story of how big our hearts really are.

Let's go away. In nature. Today. As if only for today.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

halo of the moon, a blue star round in the distance
i’m contemplating the legacy of my heart as you
wish for more in the quiet hour

i thought about despair today and then hope
hope not the distant kind not a fleeting land i’d hope
to sail to. but hope like the will and an encouraged word

and an unexpected phone call from friend. that kind of hope
the kind that sustains the kind that fills my belly with sweet sweet
space. it’s like the halo of the moon

the abundance of it’s presence, so full the the times really
are changing. and the the absence, the stillness complete
how i wondered how i’d changed tonight

i thought about it as i sat quietly dreaming how’d i’d grown
how i relaxed i became as my dreams became my breath
sometimes it seems as if the end is never in sight

as if the answer, is but a faint hope for something more
sometimes it seems far away, another age, another time
another mooning that passes, glows, then dissappears

i hoped it would be now. i hoped i would stop waiting
and start becoming. the darkness i would overcome and
fly above the rest. i hoped i would be that strong

i saw an image of the moon flicker, not just in my mind
but in the crystal clear perfection of what is real
speak of brilliance, speak of hope.

sometimes it seems as if the brightness will never come to you
it’s just one more bad story, one more bad dream, one more
wound to stuff away with rest. i don’t believe that anything

can harm me anymore. i am in the light. and i will not stop glowing
like the moon. like it’s halo, so am i, full and abundant, my presence
to never subsist. i will never cry alone again,

not for the things i never was, not for the things i can’t become
but only for the brilliant that i am. only for the halo around my heart
bright moon you light the way, like nothing has before.

now you know that true love, finds you. your friends are true.
the rest dissolves. all you can hope for is to be present, the rest
emerges as if by surprise. true love with find you, if you step into

the light. you will see who your friends are. don’t give up. not now
follow the impulse from within. you know all of the answers
you know who you are. the fears are silly. you are so strong.

this new person that i am is strong
this new person that i am is wise
pure and true
brilliant and hopeful
like the moon. like it’s halo.
the the blue star in the distance.

And this is an important night.
hold on, there are no coincidences.
full moon songs
the dialogue begins.

this night is beautifully powerful.

what is living afterall?

this is what it is all about, nights like this
the power of the universe. the power of yourself
and the connection to all that is.

i am alive and i am grateful
i will continue making things
i will not be let down